The Associated’s Center for Jewish Camping
101 W Mt Royal Ave, Baltimore, MD, 21201
Genders | Coed
Location | Baltimore City
Camp Type | Religious
Featured Camps
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Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth
McAuley Hall, 5801 Smith Ave., Baltimore, MD, 21209
7-17CoedBaltimore City Out of StateArts & Academic STEAM
Beth Tfiloh Camps
400 Delight Meadows Rd, Reisterstown, MD, 21136
0-5CoedBaltimore CountyReligious

The Park School of Baltimore / Park Camps
2425 Old Court Road, Baltimore, MD, 21208
410-339-7070 / 410-339-4120
3-15CoedBaltimore CountyArts & Academic Sports

McDonogh Summer Camps
8600 McDonogh Rd, Owings Mills, MD, 21117
4-17CoedBaltimore CountySport & Traditional

Steve & Kate’s Camp
4900 N Charles St, , Baltimore, MD , 21210
4-12CoedBaltimore CountyArts & Imagination Cooking General Performing Arts Sports STEAM