Emmanuel Methodist Preschool has served children ages 2 to 5 years old in Howard County since 1978. The school is conveniently located off Rt. 29 or I-95 on Scaggsville Road in Laurel, Maryland (www.emmanuelpreschool.com). Emmanuel Preschool is an educational program accredited by Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) and our teachers possess a minimum of an undergraduate degree in ECE or higher as well as credentialing through MSDE for continued professional development. Emmanuel Preschool offers 2, 3, and 5 day full-time and part-time options including before and aftercare. Emmanuel Preschool is a Christian preschool teaching Christian value, such as sharing, caring, cooperating, respect, etc. The curriculum is hands-on and allows the children to explore and discover the world around them. Visit Website