Blind Industries & Services of Maryland

3345 Washington Blvd., Baltimore, MD 21227

Did you know that nearly 70 percent of the blind population in the U.S. is either unemployed or underemployed? At Blind Industries & Services of Maryland (BISM) we are working to lower that staggering statistic. Founded in 1908 by the Maryland General Assembly, BISM supports the blind and low-vision community by educating, training, employing, and empowering them to lead confident and independent lives. Our manufacturing and retail businesses are the largest employers of blind and low-vision individuals in the state, and our independence training and rehabilitation programs provide structured training and employment opportunities for blind individuals.

BISM currently employs 480 associates, of whom 35% are blind, in 11 facilities in Maryland, Delaware, D.C., Kentucky, and North Carolina. We are the largest employer of blind individuals in the State of Maryland.

BISM knows that blindness is not the characteristic that defines a blind individual. Through our extensive education programs, BISM provides blind individuals with new ideas, a positive attitude toward blindness and encouragement to reach their full potential.

BISM’s Independence Training and Rehabilitation Division offers programs and services that provide comprehensive life-skills training for blind and low-vision youth, adults, and seniors. Our instructors, most of whom are blind, teach nonvisual life skills in braille, technology, independent living, cane travel, and woodshop.

BISM is consistently striving to meet the needs of the blind community today and for the future. To further our mission and to continue to support this community, BISM depends on government funding, individual donors, corporate sponsors, foundations, grants, and bequests to meet our funding needs.

Together, we can positively change people’s attitudes about blindness. To donate go to


Largest employer of blind individuals in the State of Maryland.

• Provides more than 700 manufactured, remanufactured, or assembled product, including military uniforms and textiles, paper towels, janitorial supplies, hand soaps, recycled paper, and more.

• Provides job opportunities for blind individuals.

• Educates the community about blindness and accessibility.

• Trains blind individuals for nonvisual life skills to live independent and confident lives.