JA 18 Under 18
Drew’s story begins in eighth grade when, unable to find a formal teambuilding service project to do with his basketball team, he simply created his own. The team made 50 blankets for cancer patients receiving treatment at the local hospital. Inspired, Drew started Volun-Teen, a nonprofit that creates volunteer opportunities for youth. Their slogan is “Growing up by Giving Back.” Since it began, Volun-Teen has served over 20,000 people, completed hundreds of projects, and donated over $300,000 in resources and goods. A particularly special project was organizing a memorial 5k race to honor a classmate who died tragically of a heart attack after track practice that raised $20,000 for the American Heart Association. As president for the last four years, Drew oversees a board of 25 teens. When not coordinating service projects, Drew is practicing discus and shot put. He was 2022’s Maryland Interscholastic Athletic Association-All Conference Track and Field winner and has been recruited to compete at the Division I level in college.
“Drew’s depth of caring and community awareness goes beyond the classroom, his school, and even his community.”—Brooke Hopkins, nominator