Hopewell Cancer Support
Lutherville, MD 21093
HopeWell Cancer Support understands that a cancer diagnosis touches every part of one’s life. Our mission is to create a community for all people with cancer, their families, and friends, that encourages an exchange of information, the development of a support system, and the presence of hope.
Since 1993, HopeWell has addressed the psychosocial impact of cancer for adults and their loved ones, through networking groups, mind/body/spirit classes, educational programs, and bereavement groups. We also support children who have an adult loved one with cancer. Programming is fluid to respond to the evolving needs of our community, and support is always available at no cost. Participant-centered programs are led by licensed clinicians and credentialed instructors, all experienced in working with those affected by cancer. Programs will soon be transitioning from virtual to hybrid, with in-person options.
There are opportunities to volunteer, serve on a committee, or participate in our fundraising events, such as the Concert for Hope and the Family Festival, both scheduled for April 2024.
We welcome you to join our community by visiting us at hopewellcancersupport.org.