Kennedy Krieger Institute

707 North Broadway, Baltimore, MD 21205


When Jessica Bell noticed her daughter Karsyn only using her left side at two months old, her heart sank. After months of fear and uncertainty, Karsyn was diagnosed with lissencephaly, a rare neurological condition, shortly after her first birthday.

“I felt like my world was falling apart,” Bell recalls, tears welling in her eyes. “Receiving that diagnosis was one of the darkest moments of my life.”

Lissencephaly, also known as smooth brain syndrome, means Karsyn’s brain lacks normal folds and grooves. This condition leads to severe symptoms such as difficulty swallowing, muscle spasms, and seizures. Although there is no cure, children like Karsyn can make progress with specialized care, the kind provided at Kennedy Krieger Institute.

Since September 2022, Karsyn has received loving care from Kennedy Krieger’s expert team. Through a combination of speech, occupational, and physical therapy, she’s been given a fighting chance.



In July 2024, Karsyn spent a transformative week at Kennedy Krieger’s Specialized Transition Program (STP), a rehabilitation day hospital. Bell watched in awe as her daughter made incredible strides.

“Her core strength has improved so much,” Bell says, her voice trembling with emotion. “She’s now more eager to explore her world. It’s amazing to see her social skills blossom.”

At Kennedy Krieger, Karsyn is surrounded by children with similar challenges, giving her the chance to form friendships and learn social skills.

Bell ’s hope is unwavering. She dreams of seeing Karsyn take her first steps, even if it’s with a walker. With your support, this dream can become a reality—not just for Karsyn, but for countless other children.

“Kennedy Krieger gave us hope when we thought all was lost,” Bell says.

Help children like Karsyn pursue all that’s possible. By supporting Kennedy Krieger, you can make a life-changing difference for families navigating tough battles.

Donate to Kennedy Krieger today and change lives forever at


• Kennedy Krieger offers more than 90 interdisciplinary programs, inpatient and day hospitals, community programs, and more.

• In 2023, Kennedy Krieger helped more than 27,000 patients and students benefit from its interdisciplinary care and schools.

• Approximately 500 students from 15 regional school systems attend Kennedy Krieger’s five special education schools.

• Kennedy Krieger’s researchers are developing new treatments and therapies for a range of diagnoses, from common disorders to rare genetic diseases.

• The Institute is home to the Bennett Blazers, an adaptive sports program that serves kids with different abilities from Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Washington, D.C.