Melanie Hood-Wilson
Melanie Hood-Wilson and Associates
Owner, Principal Consultant
Melanie Hood-Wilson once dreamed of going into theater, but ended up falling love with education. After more than 25 years working in early childhood education, as well as Baltimore City public schools and as the Director of Special Populations at the Community College of Baltimore County, she founded her firm three years ago, providing everything from online courses and tutoring for kids to reading and workforce-development courses for disabled and homeless adults, as well as antiracism courses.
In 2020, she responded to the need for supplemental education for kids falling behind in reading and math with her online Whole Child Tutoring and courses for adults and children on topics such as race and culture in America.
“I’ve always had a willingness to customize instruction for the learner, the client, the organization,” says Melanie, who has won many awards in her field from the city, state, and Baltimore County. “My company is young and flexible, capable of crafting experiences to move learners forward.”