Jennifer Cernik
Next Step Realty
Timonium MD 21093
Jennifer Cernik knows the business: While completing her bachelor’s degree at Villa Julie, she and her father opened an independent real estate firm, where they worked side by side for 17 years.
Holding a broker’s license in three states and D.C., she’s now part of the team at Next Step Realty Brokerage, a full-service residential real estate firm owned by Kelly Schuit and James Weiskerger, with offices in Timonium, Annapolis, and Fells Point.
“We hire top agents and are known for incredible customer service when buying or selling a home,” says Jennifer. “All of our listings include professional photography, social media, digital advertising, presence on all third-party websites, signage, and brochures before the house ever goes live.” Next Step Realty gives back, supporting causes like ShareBaby and Healthcare for the Homeless, and has been named a top workplace by The Baltimore Sun two years running and top residential brokerage by the Baltimore Business Journal.