JA 18 Under 18 2024


Reid is described as someone who is always positive, so perhaps it’s not surprising that when tragedy struck he found a way to use his natural charisma and artistic abilities to bring something good from loss. Reid was forever changed by the death of his childhood friend in a car accident from someone who was texting while driving. He helped fundraise for Jake’s Skate Park in the Inner Harbor in honor of his friend by designing skateboards that were auctioned to raise funds. He also began the PADD (Poly Against Distracted Driving) club at his school, Baltimore Polytechnic Institute, to spread awareness among students of the dangers of distracted driving. Despite being involved in numerous clubs and travel basketball, Reid finds time to make impactful art, including large scale paintings (made in collaboration with other students) that were exhibited at the Baltimore Museum of Art.

“When I think of Reid, the words that most often come to mind are motivated, engaging, dedicated, scholarly, dependable, and community-minded.”  —Laura Lynn Emberson, teacher

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