SOS Fund

P.O. Box 23020, Baltimore, MD 21203

The Stop Oppressive Seizures Fund (SOS Fund) works to disrupt and dismantle predatory systems that strip home and property ownership from Black, Indigenous, and communities of color in Baltimore City.

We are working for a future that:
• Closes the racial wealth gap and fosters intergenerational prosperity
• Restores rightful stewardship of property and land to its original caretakers
• Heals and strengthens human connections, free from the divisions of prejudice and discrimination
• Acknowledges past traumas and honors the lineage, heritage, and promises of liberation
• Ensures the fulfillment of commitments made to our communities
• Embraces the Earth as a sacred trust, positioning humanity as its stewards rather than its destroyers
• Revitalizes the concept of the village, where community care and support are paramount
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