The Brewer Brodsky Financial Consulting Group of Wells Fargo Advisors

100 Light Street | Floor 27 | Baltimore, MD 21202
2350 West Joppa Road | Lutherville, MD 21093


Senior Vice President – Investment Officer


Vice President – Investments

For nearly 25 years, both Troy and Norris have helped clients address their financial concerns and develop sound plans. Well connected to estate attorneys, CPAs, and wealth-management services, the Brewer Brodsky team brings a lot to the table when addressing complex high net-worth cases. By coordinating investment management and retirement planning with input from a client’s CPA and attorney, The Brewer Brodsky team works to get all critical players involved to achieve the best outcomes.

Trained as a manufacturing engineer, Mr. Brewer went on to complete an MBA in finance from Loyola College. Experience at Legg Mason, UBS, and Wells Fargo Advisors has made him aware of the many services available in the financial services arena. Mr. Brodsky was trained as a CPA and completed his MBA in finance and investments at The George Washington University prior to securing his Certified Financial PlannerTM, (CFP®) designation. Both are often recognized by both Wells Fargo Advisors and external organizations for their financial-services accomplishments.

Active in both professional and educational organizations, Mr. Brewer was instrumental in developing the Loyola College MBA Alumni Association, serving as president from 1996 to 1998. He also served on the board of Trustees for the Baltimore Museum of Industry and the Board of Directors for Junior Achievement (JA) of Central Maryland. In 2013, Troy was awarded the Wells Fargo Volunteer of the Year Award for creating the first JA fundraising concert. The band Chicago was featured at the concert and helped to raise more than $50,000. In 2016, Troy began appearances on WCBS Radio 1300 in Maryland.

Active in the local community, Mr. Brodsky participates in many civic and community organizations. He is past president of Young Audiences of Maryland, the Ivydene Co-Op, and currently sits on the boards of the Estate Planning Council of Maryland and the Planned Giving Roundtable of The Associated Jewish Federation of Baltimore. He and his wife live in Mt. Washington and have two children and four grandchildren.

Investment and Insurance Products: Not FDIC Insured / No Bank Guarantee / MAY lose Value

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Wells Fargo Advisors is a trade name used by Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC Member SIPC, a registered broker-dealer and non-bank affiliate of Wells Fargo and Company. CAR-0421-00571