TurnAround, Inc.

8503 Lasalle Rd., 2nd Floor, Towson, MD 21286
1 N Charles St., 1st Floor, Baltimore, MD 21201

For 45 years it has been TurnAround’s mission to educate, empower, and advocate for all people impacted by intimate partner violence, sexual violence, and human trafficking. We also envision a time when we will end and prevent violence and abuse by working together with survivors, their support systems, and our communities.

Donations to TurnAround are vital to continuing the work that we do. Your donation may go toward providing transportation to help a survivor of sex trafficking get home, cover the expenses of a volunteer advocate, or simply help us keep the lights on. We also gladly accept donations of food, toiletries, and new clothing. Volunteers are crucial to this work because when you donate your time, energy, and commitment, we can serve our clients more efficiently. Without your support, we would not be able to reach as many communities and families as we do.

Please join us for our 45th Anniversary Gala on Oct. 24, 2024 and our annual golf tournament on Oct. 28, 2024. Learn more at www.turnaroundinc.org.


• We believe in an accessible open door, supporting people of all identities, adapting to each individual’s needs and goals, improving outcomes through education and awareness, and strengthening care through collaboration and innovation. We believe all survivors.

• Services are 100 percent free to survivors.

• We offer prevention education efforts to fulfill our vision of ending violence and abuse.

• Community collaboration is foundational to what we do.

• We are survivor centered.