GBCA Announces 2021 Baker Artist Awards: This year, instead of just six awardees, the Greater Baltimore Cultural Alliance elected to award 36 artists representing six categories with $2,500 prizes. The change was made to address the needs of the artist community, which has been greatly impacted by COVID-19. More than 600 artists submitted online portfolios, and the selected winners will exhibit their work virtually from April through June, followed by the annual Artworks presentation of the winners in September. This year’s awardees include Abdu Ali, Outcalls, Lola B. Pierson, Ernest Shaw, and Letitia VanSant, among others. View the full list here.
Visual Art
Asia North 2021: Towson University’s Asian Arts and Culture Center is in the midst of a full year of programming to celebrate its 50th anniversary, and this month marks the beginning of its biggest event of the year, Asia North. The weeks-long celebration of art, culture, and Station North’s long Korean heritage begins with a virtual kickoff event on April 10. The festival will continue with both in-person and virtual exhibitions, workshops, and concerts through May 15. Times vary.
#AsLongAsItsDope: After isolating for so long, this interactive exhibit from Flatform Studios sounds downright refreshing. For only two weekends, this series of installations from artists Kaya and Ayana will transform the Flatform Studio space into a museum full of art and amazing photo ops. April 15-18, 22-25. Thursdays and Fridays 5-9 p.m., Saturdays and Sundays 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. 2123 N. Charles St.
The Blue-Collar Recital: Local rapper Wordsmith’s storytelling abilities take center stage for this afternoon concert depicting a day of working class trials and triumphs. Broken up by summaries and interludes, the original pieces will explore subjects such as living check to check, promotions, and keeping promises. Stay tuned after for a live Q&A with Wordsmith, who will share stories and commentary about the work. April 20, 1:30-3 p.m. Live streamed.
Poets in Conversation: The Ivy Bookshop will host this virtual meeting of the minds with three poets from Loyola University Maryland’s Apprentice House Press. Join Virginia Crawford, Lynne Viti, and Matt Hohner for an evening of verse, and don’t forget to browse their collections via The Ivy ahead of time. April 20, 7 p.m. Online.
Baltimore Butterfly Sessions: To Change Everything, We Need Everyone: Center Stage’s final Butterfly Session of the season examines climate crisis impacts and the disproportionate effects they have on BIPOC communities. Be reminded of Baltimore’s long history of fighting for environmental justice and our collective responsibility to make change through performances from Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina artist Ashley Minner, Eze Jackson, and TSU Terry. April 5, 7 p.m. Live streamed.