Education & Family
All in a Day With Patrice Sanders
We follow the daily routine of the WBFF Morning news anchor.

1:30 a.m. The Early Bird Gets . . .
My alarm goes off, and I hit snooze a little bit. I’ve been doing this morning thing for 16 years now, but there’s nothing natural
about getting up at that hour. Most mornings, I will try to do 15
minutes of abs. I find it hard to
motivate myself to do it later in
the day, but it also helps me wake
up and sets my mood for the day.
2:30 a.m. Me Time
On my drive, I usually listen to my devotions or gospel music to get into my day. That’s often the only time that I’m alone for the rest of the day, so I try to take advantage of that.
4 a.m. Screen Routine
I go to work in sweatpants and a T-shirt, so a half-hour before we go on air, I’ll go to the makeup room. I have alarms on my phone to give me a countdown to when I need to get onto the set.
4:30 a.m. Breakfast to Go
We’re on the air for five and a half hours. So I’ll have coffee on the way into work, but what I consider my breakfast I’ll have during a commercial break. That’ll be something quick, like an egg.
11 a.m. Homebound
Three to four days a week, I’ll head straight to the gym. My husband’s a trainer, so he keeps me on pace.
1p.m. It’s…Dinner?
People ask if I go home and nap, but that’s just not in the works. When I get home, I’ll have a big meal, and it’s the last one I have for the day. The majority of my time outside of WBFF, I’ve been working on a podcast/YouTube project that will be launching soon.

4 p.m. Family Time
After I pick my daughter up from school, we’ll have our time together to play. My daughter and I will soak it up as long as we can—she’s a big cuddler.
8 p.m. Lights Out
The evening comes early. I put my daughter down, and mommy is in bed soon after!