Five things to eat, drink, see, hear, and do with your Charm City weekend.
Oct. 24: The Great Baltimore Oyster Fest
West Shore Park, Inner Harbor, 501 Light St. 1-5 p.m. Free-$20. 443-743-3308. baltimorewaterfront.com.
After Ryleigh’s Oysterfest in Federal Hill two weeks ago and the U.S. Oysterfest in St. Mary’s last weekend, the bay’s bivalves are now coming to the Inner Harbor—and for the very first time. At the inaugural Great Baltimore Oyster Festival, celebrate our estuary’s fall harvest with a bounty of local oysters from Harris Seafood Company, the nearly 70-year-old family-run shuck house in Kent Island, and Hoopers Island Oyster Company, who taught us the ways of the water in our July “Seafood Spectacular.” While you slurp back your shells, get down to live, finger-pickin’, feel-good tunes from Them Eastport Oysters Boys and The High & Wides, and enjoy boat tours, family activities, and interactive displays by the Waterfront Partnership and Chesapeake Bay Foundation.
Oct. 24: Baltimore Craft Beer Festival
Canton Waterfront Park, 3001 Boston St. 12-6 p.m. $35-50. 410-252-9463. baltimorecraftbeerfestival.com.
By now, you’re probably drinking more than Bohs when bellied up at the bar. For a while, you’ve probably been waving your Maryland flag with old faithfuls like Heavy Seas Loose Cannon, Flying Dog Raging Bitch, The Brewer’s Art Resurrection, Union Craft Duckpin, or one of the many Oliver Ales. Likely, you’ve also become adventurous, reaching for newbies like Monocacy Riot Rye, Monument City 51 Rye, and RAR Chopdank from the Eastern Shore. (And soon enough, you’ll be tapping some Waverly Brewing, too.) Over the last few years, the Land of Pleasant Living has shown the craft beer world what’s up, and come this weekend, you can celebrate and sip them all at the first-ever Baltimore Craft Beer Festival. Enjoy dozens of local drafts, catch or compete in the homebrew competition, and soak up your suds with food truck snacks from Kooper’s Chowhound, Smoking Swine, and Gypsy Queen Café. Once you’re feeling rightly sauced, you can challenge your friends to a game of cornhole, too.
Oct. 24: The Great Halloween Lantern Parade & Festival
Patterson Park, Pulaski Monument, Eastern & Linwood Aves. 3:30-9 p.m. Free. 410-276-1651. creativealliance.org.
As the sun begins to set this Saturday, the slopes of Patterson Park will be illuminated by a procession of spooky lights. But fear not: the glowing objects aren’t ghosts or ghouls but rather the little homemade lanterns of the Great Halloween Lantern Parade. For the 16th year, follow its eclectic caravan as local puppeteers, marching bands, and costumed families and friends weave their way through the Highlandtown hills in celebration of Halloween. Before it all begins, imbibe in its beer garden, feast on food truck favorites, let the kids compete in the costume contest, and do your best happy baby pose during free pop-up yoga. After you’ve pass the finish line, hop over to the Creative Alliance for a festive Glow Ball dance party.
Oct. 24: Baltimore Folk Fest
Ottobar, 2549 N. Howard St. 6:30 p.m.-1 a.m. $20-60. 410-662-0069. baltimorefolkfest.com.
With its proximity to Appalachia and position below the Mason-Dixon Line, Baltimore has deep roots in folk music. Now more than ever it seems to be having a resurgence, with the Charm City Bluegrass & Folk Festival coming out bigger and better than ever for their third concert this April, and the Baltimore Folk Fest returning for its fourth year this weekend to champion present-day pastoral finger-pickers from Baltimore and beyond. After three years of being spread across Station North venues like The Windup Space, Joe Squared, Penn Station, Charm City Art Space, Liam Flynn’s, the Crown, and Hour Haus, the BFF now consolidates at the one and only Ottobar in Remington. Taking over the upstairs and the downstairs, stop in to hear more than 10 Americana troupes, including local darlings like Letitia VanSant, Bumper Jacksons, The Manly Deeds, Sweet Saro, and Haint Blue.
Oct. 23-25: Fells Point Fun Fest
Fells Point, S. Broadway at Thames St. Fri. 5:30-9 p.m. Sat.-Sun. 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Free. 410-675-8900. fellspointfest.com.
After being rescheduled because of Hurricane Joaquin, the Fells Point Fun Fest finally returns to the historic, harborside neighborhood this weekend for its 49th year. Rain or shine, head to the cobblestone block party, grab a souvenir cup, and hit up the booze gardens for brews, wine, and hopefully blue skies overhead. Once you’ve been beered, eat your way through the streets with local treats from Kooper’s, Slainte, Mare Nostrum, Alexander’s Tavern, Ekiben, and Thames Street Oyster. (Anyone remember those little bitty Thames Street lobster rolls from last year? We fondly do.) While you’re down there, browse local vendors, treat the kids to face painting and balloon animals, and listen to over 10 bands on two different stages. Afterwards, in true Fells fashion, swing through the local watering holes to continue your night, with various discounts at participating bars.