Whether by bike or bus, the fourth annual Charm City Farm & Garden Tour offers a unique, once-a-year opportunity this Saturday to visit and learn about the diverse, community-managed small farms and garden spaces throughout Baltimore.
The bus tour is already sold out—sorry, we’ll try to provide an earlier head’s up next year—but there’s no limit on the number of bicyclists that can join in. Registration for the 2014 bike tour, which visits nine North Central Baltimore community farms and gardens, including the Boone St. Farm, Hidden Harvest Farm, and Remington Village Green, opens tomorrow morning at Druid Hill City Farm at 8 a.m., with the 8-10 mile recreational ride pulling out promptly at 8:30 a.m.
Bring a helmet, but a bathing suit, too—the ride wraps up at approximately 12:30 p.m. back at the Druid Hill Park swimming pool for an after-party. The $20 registration includes a route map and garden information, snacks and water during the ride, a pre-ride bike safety check, breakdown support, bag check and delivery to the pool—plus a commemorative souvenir, admission to the pool, and refreshments during the pool party.
The event is hosted in partnership by staff and volunteers from Baltimore Green Space, the Baltimore Farm Alliance, the Parks & People Foundation, CGRN, Cylburn Arboretum, and UME Baltimore City Master Gardeners.
By the way, the weather should be PERFECT tomorrow—sunny, high of 84 degrees, 47 percent humidity.
August in Baltimore doesn’t get better. Ride on.