For the first time since 1997, the Orioles have clinched the AL East division title and exuberant fans everywhere—even the players themselves—took to Twitter to express their excitement. Here are some highlights.
Wherever you are make sure they have @masnOrioles on EVERY TELEVISION!
— Not Buck Showalter (@Fake_Buck) September 16, 2014
Your attention please, ladies and gentlemen. Your 2014 Baltimore Orioles are the American League East Division CHAMPIONS.
— Ryan Wagner (@rwags614) September 17, 2014
Nick Markakis at the moment it was announced that the @Orioles are AL East Champions http://t.co/dWITVLkuqw
— Orioles GIFs (@OriolesGIFs) September 17, 2014
Huge for the city of Bmore. Been a loooong time coming. We grind wit zero excuses. Not over yet. Continue the grind #Birdland #StayHungry
— 10 (@SimplyAJ10) September 17, 2014
How cool was that?
— Zach Britton (@zbritton) September 17, 2014
Thank you #Birdland. Not done. We know that. Enjoy the moment. #StayHungry #Birdland pic.twitter.com/pqnSFB1FrP
— Bud Norris (@BudNorris25) September 17, 2014
What a night!!! Gotta love Birdland!!! Thank you to every single fan who made this such a memorable night to all of us!! We ain’t done yet!
— Kevin Gausman (@KevinGausman) September 17, 2014
Ain’t the beer cold, NIck Hundley! #IBackTheBirds pic.twitter.com/ID0Ci5aEvn
— Orioles on MASN (@masnOrioles) September 17, 2014
How bout them playoffs hon!? #Orioles #ALEastChamps
— Colin McKee (@Colin_C_McKee) September 17, 2014
“Im biased. I don’t think there’s a more electric place than this place when something’s on the line for the city of Baltimore.” -Buck
— Brittany Ghiroli (@Britt_Ghiroli) September 17, 2014
Hunter was thinking of Monica Barlow. “Chris had her picture up the whole year, Buck’s got her picture up in there. She’s finally smiling.”
— David Wilson (@DBWilson2) September 17, 2014
Me rn http://t.co/5AwF3vu4rC
— AL East Champions (@OriolesMemes) September 17, 2014
Merry Clinchmas, Birdland! #ibackthebirds pic.twitter.com/SgOQfBjqHE
— Pete Kerzel (@masnPete) September 17, 2014
They said we would finish last in the division, they said our rotation had no elite starters, they said injuries were too much.. #WeWontStop
— Kyle Lee (@MR_K_LEE) September 17, 2014
8 of the top 10 trends in Baltimore..Orioles related. #WeWontStop #ALEastChamps
— Baltimore Media Blog (@BaltMediaBlog) September 17, 2014
Little Markakis, little Chen, a bunch of others. It’s a whole family celebration out on the field. I love this team.
— Mark Brown (@EatMoreEsskay) September 17, 2014
.@SimplyAJ10 wants all of #Birdland to know what it’s like to be a hero. http://t.co/UxPOQigujd
— MLB GIFS (@MLBGIFs) September 17, 2014
An official inquiry has been opened with the wife on a budget for #WorldSeries tickets. #WeWontStop #Orioles #IBackTheBirds #Birdland
— Dave Grauel (@DaveGrauel) September 17, 2014
They’re having a moment. #IBackTheBirds http://t.co/uahYxKJ954
— Orioles on MASN (@masnOrioles) September 17, 2014
Hearing Buck talk about looking into Ubaldo’s eyes when he went out to the mound tonight… #CuttingOnions #IBackTheBirds
— Annliese (@annliese) September 17, 2014
Relieved to make it home without being stopped by a police officer. My clothes, and now car, reek of champagne and beer. Tough to explain
— Roch Kubatko (@masnRoch) September 17, 2014
This sums up the night. #IBackTheBirds pic.twitter.com/1NMUW61u3v
— Orioles on MASN (@masnOrioles) September 17, 2014
Who else woke up with a big smile on their face? #ALEastChamps #WeWontStop #11WinsToGo
— Not Buck Showalter (@Fake_Buck) September 17, 2014