The latest restaurant openings, closings, and recent news.
“It’s basically the shampoo portion—the best part of getting your hair done—times twenty,” Dawn Fitzgerald of Parkville’s Fitz Hair Studio says of the trending service.
This year’s One Maryland One Book pick—Weatherford's novel-in-verse titled 'Kin: Rooted in Hope'—celebrates generations of Black excellence.
Find the Best in Baltimore
Baltimore Symphony Orchestra
The 31-year-old "Converse Conductor" (often wearing his signature Chuck Taylors) wants everyone to feel like the Meyerhoff is their home.
The Guide to Regional Continuing Care Facilities & Senior Resources
Our exit interview with the BSO’s outgoing music director, Marin Alsop.
Small ensembles perform an innovative repertoire focused on diversity and inclusion.
With a five-year contract and digital fall concert series, musicians and management look toward the future.
The announcement comes as the orchestra examines its future.
This year, the city’s music scene came of age.
Here’s what the BSO has been up to since performances resumed in September.
The best things to do in Baltimore this weekend.
After a tension-filled absence, the BSO’s 104th season will open this weekend.
In recent weeks, the ongoing dispute between musicians and management has reached a tipping point over financial woes.
The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra is struggling financially, but musicians say a shorter season is not the answer.
The classically trained electronic musician discusses his upcoming BSO Pulse performance on Thursday.
The percussionist for the BSO shares his favorite things.
No matter which concert venue you prefer, we have looks that are guaranteed to steal the show.
Local institutions make classical music accessible—and relevant—in the 21st century.
Our monthly roundup of openings, events, and news from the art world.
The best things to do in Baltimore this weekend.
The best things to do in Baltimore this weekend.
Our monthly roundup of openings, events, and news from the art world.
Our top picks of what to see, hear, and do at the country's largest free arts festival that begins July 21
Our monthly roundup of openings, events, and news from the art world.