May 2023
The League for People with Disabilities
Robert Pattinson shines in Bong Joon Ho’s uneven follow-up to Parasite.
How the volunteer-run nonprofit—which provides outreach to 12,000 foreign seafarers a year—assisted the Dali's 21 seamen as they were stranded in the middle of the Patapsco.
The latest restaurant openings, closings, and recent news.
Find the Best in Baltimore
The League for People with Disabilities
SCALE is one of the few places in the country that helps people with aphasia—a condition that robs a person of the ability to use their words—by way of immersion tactics.
Sometimes, finding the right option for care, employment assistance, or peer support can be challenging. Baltimore is home to a vast network of organizations committed to helping people with disabilities discover all these things and more.