The Search for Extraordinary Baltimoreans Over 65

As our population ages, and life expectancy is on the rise, what does it mean to be “old” these days? Even the word “old” means less and less as many of us stay active and healthy way beyond retirement age (a number that keeps going up, mind you).

For our December issue on aging, we’re looking for a few extraordinary Baltimoreans who prove that age is just a number. Are you or do you know someone 65 or older who has gone back to school to pursue a degree or who is still going strong in their chosen profession? Someone who started running marathons, climbed a mountain, joined a rock band, or became a fashion model in their 70s? Or someone who started a new business or nonprofit at the age of 80? For some, the senior years are a time of reinvention and personal discovery.

Does this sound like someone you know? We are searching for stories of amazing accomplishment about the “new” old age and would love to hear from you.

Use the form below to tell us their story and nominate them for consideration.

Nominee Information

Your Information